1. 燒滾一鍋水,加入一湯匙橄欖油及鹽,放入意大利粉,
2. 墨魚去衣,斜切成較薄厚度,
3. 燒熱鑊,下油爆香墨魚片 + 黑椒上碟待用。
4. 燒熱鑊,下油,炒香蒜蓉 + 入意大利粉,
炒一陣 + 墨魚 + 茄汁意粉醬
Better Together
Jack Johnson
There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart,
our dreams, and they are made out of real things
like a shoebox of photographs
with sepia-toned loving
Love is the answer
at least for most of the questions in my heart, like
Why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together
Mmmm, It's always better when we're together
Yeah we'll look at the stars and we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah it's always better when we're together
And all of these moments
just might find their way into my dreams tonight,
But I know that they’ll be gone
when the morning light sings
and brings new things
for tomorrow night you see
that they’ll be gone too,
too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find their way
into my day to day scene
I'd be under the impression
i was somewhere in between
With only two,
Just me and you,
Not so many things we got to do
or places we got to be
We'll sit beneath the mango tree, now,
Yeah It's always better when we're together
Mmmm, we're somewhere in between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together
[MmmMmmmmMmm, Mmm MMmmM]
I believe in memories
they look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
you look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
There is no, no song I could sing
and there is no combination of words I could say
but I will still tell you one thing
We're Better together
Seem easy, I try to make it !
我都要試下搵墨魚炒先得 !
回覆刪除呢排好多下面呢 d 神秘人 ~~
係囉 !好易呀.....不過這款墨魚~花枝還是第一次見.....好厚肉...我還以為有骨夾在中間呀!