
The Johari Window



Do you know what's the Johari Window?


One of the most provocative models for conceptualizing levels of awareness in human behaviour.


The illustrated  window represents you as you relate to other human beings by four quadrant - in effect 4 panes of a single window.  The size of each quadrant or pane is determined by awareness - by yourself or by others- of your behaviour, feelings and motivations.  Unlike most windowpanes, those of Johari Window sometmes change in size.


Quadrant 1 : The open quadrant will reflect your general openness to the world, your willingness to be known.


Quadrant 2: The Blind quadrant, consisst of all the things about yourself (positive/negative behaviour) the other people perceive but that are not accessible to you.  It will affect the way that other act towards you.


Quadrant 4: The hidden quadrant, you are the one who exercises discretion.  This quadrant is made up all the things you perfer not to disclose to someone else.   This may be because you never exposed those areas of our personality, or because they're buried deep in the subconscious.


Quadrant 3: The Unknown quadrant.  The blind quadrant is completely unknown.  It represents everything about yourself that has never been explored, either by you and by other people.  It contains all your untapped resources, all your potential for personal growth. , which can stay unknown for a lifetime.


The application of the Johari Window comes in opening up the public area, so making the other three areas as small as possible.  This is done by regular and honest exchange of feedback, and a willingness to disclose personal feelings.  People around you will understand what "makes you tick", and what you find easy or difficult to do, and can provide appropriate support. 


It is rewarding and satisfying to enlarge the open quadrant - that is not only to learn more about yourself but to reveal yourself to some degree so that others will know you better too.  It is also the belief that greater knowledge of self in relation to others, will result, in greater self-esteem and self-acceptance.


My friend!  If you learn more about yourself and others, you can change the shape of of your own Johari Window.  So,it can improve the relationships and understanding, increase stability. continuity and harmony.










昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上
前行步步懷自信 風吹雨打不退讓
無論我去到那方 心裡夢想不變樣
是新生 是醒覺 夢想永遠在世上

前路那怕遠 衹要自強 我繼續獨自尋路向
常為以往夢想發狂 耐心摸索路途上

懷自信我永不怕夜航 到睏倦我自彈自唱
掌聲我向夢想裡尋 儘管一切是狂想

途人路上回望我 衹因我的怪模樣
途人誰能明白我 今天眼睛多雪亮
人是各有各理想 奔向目標不退讓
用歌聲 用歡笑 來搏知音的讚賞

懷自信我永不怕夜航 到睏倦我自彈自唱
掌聲我向夢想裡尋 儘管一切是狂想

昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上
前行步步懷自信 依照心中那正確方向
懷著愛與恕的心 充滿夢想的笑匠
用歌聲 用歡笑 來搏知音的讚賞




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