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American Pie
Don McLean
A long long time ago
I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
But February made me shiver
with every paper I'd deliver
Bad news on the doorstep
I couldn't take one more step
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride
But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died
*Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singing this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
Did you write the book of love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so?
Now do you believe in rock and roll?
And Can music save your mortal soul?
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?
Well, I know that you're in love with him
'cause I saw you dancing in the gym
You both kicked off your shoes
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues
I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck
But I knew I was out of luck
The day the music died
I started singing(*)
Now, for ten years we've been on our own
And moss grows fat on a rolling stone
But that's not how it used to be
When the jester sang for the king and queen
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean
And a voice that came from you and me
Oh and while the king was looking down
The jester stole his thorny crown
The courtroom was adjourned
No verdict was returned
And while Lenin read a book on Marx
The quartet practiced in the park
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died
We were singing(*)
Helter skelter in a summer swelter
The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
Eight miles high and falling fast
Landed foul on the grass
The players tried for a forward pass
With the jester on the sidelines in a cast
Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While sergeants played a marching tune
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
'Cause the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?
We started singing(*)
Oh, and there we were all in one place
A generation lost in space
With no time left to start again
So come on Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
'Cause fire is the devil's only friend
And as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in hell
Could break that Satan's spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
He was singing(*)
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
I went down to the sacred store
Where I'd heard the music years before
But the man there said the music wouldn't play
And in the streets the children screamed
The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire most
the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
And they were singing(*)
好想試吖)))))) 可惜週一~五 嗚嗚
回覆刪除稟告女王陛下,毛巾已經order , 為了免運費(over $100 國內免運費)所以貨寄到廣州,希望11月內可以叫同事幫我帶回來,呵呵
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9569472681 淘寶 (^o^)
回覆刪除hehe 睇多眼喇,好靚靚咖,wakakaka
回覆刪除http://www.wretch.cc/blog/manyrose/21761996 又毒你,好靚靚^_^
回覆刪除如果IFC有就好囉!D點心真係ok嗎?我成日留意Openrice D comment麻麻播@@
回覆刪除屋企人囉!本來我唔駛返工 (放假)都得,但 14 開始 9/5 生活......無得放閒日啦.....放 Sunday 無平嘢食...仲人多車多......嗚嗚嗚:'(
回覆刪除take care ar
回覆刪除嗰度咁嘅派場 $198 有啲眨低咗....我諗 IFC 唔愁無客掛!Ok 架!有水準架!其實 openrice 啲野只可作部份參考....啲人比 comment 都好大差別....但真係有水準...最重要是新鮮、非一般粗製濫造...流水作業,還有 creative 『法國鵝肝荔芋角』炸得外脆內鬆化的荔芋蓉加上了一小塊鵝肝.....好味...我 order 了兩次,3 款以蝦做材料嘅餃都巧手,皮薄蝦鮮及爽滑.....超讚!$198 好過去 high tea....食埋啲 Scone ....甜蔗蔗嘅馬卡龍及唔知搽啲咩嘅 Sandwishes.....可能我都係老土怪....
回覆刪除你買咗就自己用喇,我可以再買過吖! 慢慢喇,仲有兩週
回覆刪除慢慢啦!當然唔介意!Take care !
回覆刪除窗簾 ! :) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12840056390
回覆刪除Uncle !不單只有料到架,仲係新鮮食材嚟架....好味!
回覆刪除好靚!真係又抵又靚....但唔啱我屋企 Size!喂!日日滲啲毒葯我歎.....妳個毒王又放毒!!舊洗奇異果海棉已取....得閒出來攞比妳!
回覆刪除hehe ,毒唔到你,我好冇成功感波 wakakakakka
回覆刪除thx !! 唔急,你得閒先喇,但8-11/nov 我好free ,因為全公司上廣州展覽,得我一個人響公司,發達,如果時間ok , call me anytime :) ~~~~~~~ by the ways, how about your homework-chiffon cake ?
咪得閒!E幾日返 9/5 日日有野攪...又有飯局...我要精神好先有 mood 做 Chiffon......!8-10 都ok 揾日找妳攞本書及洗 kiwi 百潔布比妳!
回覆刪除我現在同妳一樣....返9/5 ....要食就要攞大假...即仲貴過原價!都係無福消受。