
Olivia Ong--Fly Me To The Moon




日本樂友票選一致推崇,十年來最令人心醉神迷的A Girl Meets Bossa nova / Olivia 專輯唱片。由年僅廿歲,轟動全日本的星洲美少女 Olivia 擔綱演出。柔美輕快的曲風、配上嬌嫩細緻的歌聲,讓人怦然心動。



全片洋溢著濃厚的巴西爵士氛圍,收錄 The Girl From IpanemaFly Me To The Moon 等經典名曲。整張專輯不計成本採用唱片界中所公認最頂級的 24 Bit HDCD 規格錄音處理,音質通透絕倫、純淨無瑕,讓市面上許多同類型唱片相形失色。







Fly Me To The Moon

Olivia Ong




Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars

Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and Mars

In other words,hold my hand!

In other words,darling,kiss me!

Fill my heart with song

And let me sing forever more

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

In other words,please be true!

In other words,I love you!






非常動聽的舊歌,由 Olivia Ong 星加坡歌手番唱,又成了今夜的 Surround sound

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